YouTube ProfileThank you again to everyone who helped out with Thankmas! It was an incredible day and I'm very happy with how it all went.
I won't be back to videos for a bit because I really messed up my throat in LA and can't do much about it. Just wait it out. But also I'm very tired and jet lagged so I'm gonna use this time to rest and recouperate!jacksepticeyePost · 3 months ago
Thankmas is tomorrow! This is your last chance to get tickets to come to the show. More importantly I really hope you watch the livestream and donate if you can! Raising money for mental health is extremely important to me and I can't wait to see what this community can do tomorrow!jacksepticeyePost · 3 months ago
Guys I need your help!
Thankmas is only like 3 weeks away and I need your help spreading the word more and getting tickets for the event. We've put so much time and effort into this show and we have some amazing guests. I really want it all to go well and get the community together and rallied for Mental Health. So please go out and spread the word to as many people as you can, this is a really important event and topic.jacksepticeyePost · 4 months ago